Saturday, December 5, 2009

Niko, Yegor and Yura

My Russian friends Niko, Yegor and Yura are coming over today - they have been so encouraging and kind to me during my months here (each is spiritually open in their own way - which is awesome!)

Here's to some good Russian fun! [You have to be able to laugh at yourself in these moments - as I will either butcher Russian in talking to them - or they butcher English in talking back :) ]

Regardless, love and friendship breach all obstacles, boundaries and cultures.

Maybe that's why God is love. And why Jesus made it evident on the cross that His love was available for all who would respond in faith...

Here's to that kind of love!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Be ready

So the Student Venture Russian National Director came to St. Pete tonite - he's staying in my flat!

I didn't doo too much:

I just swept all the floors.

Cleaned the bathroom.

Washed my clothes.

Swept the floors again.

Made a bed for him (while im still on the couch!)

Fixed some perfect burgers and fries (made from scratch...well as scratch as you can get here in Russia!)

cleaned the windows/mirrors

opened the windows to air out the place

and then, yes, swept the floors again (I never seem to be able to get ALL of the dirt at once)!

All that preparation for my national director!

Likewise, we as Christians should be preparing solely for the promise of one coming day: the return of our King.

Though the time and day are unknown of His second-coming, Jesus' commission to believers still resounds and rings true from his initial command to the Jews during the teachings of His first coming: 'Repent from your sins, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand.' Jesus wanted Kingdom followers - disciples of his teachings - restored lives and unveiled souls. All because of the needed preparation for His future Kingdom...he needed pure hearts that would be ready.

Jesus echoes his desire and concerns in the Gospel accounts, asking if He would "find faith like this upon my return?"

He's calling for those who would be prepared for Him - to usher Him into His rightful Kingdom...

As believers, we must be ready.

And there is no more better time to start getting ready - than now!

So, I challenge you all, to join me...

Clear out the dark closets.

Clean the windows of your soul.

Sweep the dust-riddened sin away (this may have to happen a few times - see above!)

Restore your hearts.

Prepare for the King.

Because Jesus is coming back!