Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Knowing someone who truly follows Jesus Christ"

Campus Crusade for Christ's mission is simple: " build spiritual movements everywhere, so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus Christ".

I've read it many times. I've heard it many times. I've definitely said it many more times. But I think something I've really missed out on in my life is being able to experience and ask myself that question: "Do I know someone who truly follows Jesus?"

My first gut reaction is "of course I do!" And, to reassure my Christian friends out there who might be reading this, I'm pretty sure I can name off some who really do follow Jesus.

But, the more I think about it, the more I realize that I've NEVER been able to really focus on those around me and the way they've lived. I have great Christian friends from college and in Indianapolis. I have strong faith-based parents and family. I also have many spiritual mentors who I look up to and admire their faith and devotion to the Lord. I've always taken inspiration and wisdom from these Christians in my life, but rarely have I ever just sat back and watched how those people lived as followers of Christ.

Well, until now.

My current roommates name here in Russia is Andre Anokhin. I've lived with the guy for now 4 days - and he has already encouraged me and inspired me to walk closer to the Lord. Here are a few ways how:

  • Daily disciplines of time with God (something I am not good at) - he takes time to study scripture, journal, meditate on the Word, and pray BOTH morning and night. Craziness.
  • Devotion to prayer. So many times I've told and heard people tell me "I will pray for you" - or "I'll pray about it". But rarely have I ever seen anyone actually act upon it. I think I've prayed more times randomly in the day with Andre than ever in my life.
  • Serving others. This guy is like a servant machine. Part of it is that here in Russia, the body of Christ relies on each other way more than in the states (we've had to help friends put up furniture and carry huge suitcases from the metro to their apartments). But it just has been encouraging for me to see his humility in helping others.
  • Commitment to sharing the Gospel. Whether it has been online to random people he has initiated with to talking about God - or in handing old ladies "Knowing God Personally" and "4 Spiritual Law" booklets in the metro after helping them with their bags. It is obvious that his life has been changed by the Gospel - and he is passionate in getting the Word out!

I could probably list more - but I often have to catch myself from putting others up too high on a pedestal. I'm sure Andre has his struggles and he is no where near perfect. But it has been encouraging for me to see a peer who, despite being in a culture and country where there is a lot of intimidation and pressure against faith, loves God and truly follows Jesus Christ with his life.

I figured it was worth writing about.

So what about you? Do you know someone who truly follows Christ? If so, have you taken the time to watch them live (not stalkingly - nor facebookishly - but just living life..ishly)?

I encourage you to.

Here's another thing to be reminded of in this blog:

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Hebrews 12. The chapter before it talks about those in the Old Testament who had courageously given up their lives for God. And then Chapter 12 says:

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

I love it because it encourages me, as a Christian, to know that I am surrounded by those who love God and follow Him...but most importantly it reminds me that I am not only to know of those around me, but to know more of He who is front of me: Jesus. Keep my eyes on Him. Be someone who truly follows Him.

Because in the end... it's all about Him.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Rubber Meets the Road

Cliche statements are either really cool or really lame.

Me and a friend (Seth Irby) actually tried to spend a whole day once saying only cliche statements, and nothing else...

obviously we were "in over our heads"... ... ...

so yeh.

Rubber Meets the Road. No clue where it originated from or when it started gaining some stature in the cliche-world.

But regardless, it usually refers to, in one way or another, when 'talking the talk' meets 'walking the walk' - or when your dreams come face to face with reality. When it's time to 'put up or shut up'. Make or break moments - if you will.

For me (in leaving for Russia in t-minus 1 hour) - I can't help but think that this is my first major 'rubber meets the road' moment in my life of faith.

I mean, sure there were some awesome moments when I made a decision to make Jesus my Lord - when I first shared my faith - when I decided to stop living the party lifestyle etc. etc.

But in all reality - if you were to continue to use that same general analogy here...I think those steps of faith were more just to get the engine going in my heart...revvin' up the motor a bit.

But I'm sure this is different. A year in a place that's totally outside of my comfort zone - where trials and temptations are a certain - and where there's little to no church...craziness of what it could do to a follower of Christ.

I think that's why I'm most excited about this year, though - total life transformation is possible.

It is my hope and prayer that I will be made more like Jesus in every aspect of my life - in character, in obedience, in trust, and in the details.

But a prayer is a prayer - and a hope is just a hope. They mean nothing unless faith-inspired works is the end result.

No telling what the next year will look like for me - but I do know one thing...

The rubber is about to meet the road

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Down to the 'Nitty-Gritty'

With only a day left before our Mission Briefing in Colorado - and only 2 weeks before we fly off to Russia, there are still many things to be done and also others that our team is trusting God for!

  1. Support still needs to be raised by some of the team.
  2. Our team leaders (Tim and Sue Ehrhart) just had their house renter back out for the next year - so they're desperately looking for a new renter they can trust for the year while we are in Russia.
  3. Details. We sent in our Visa Papers - and our hoping that no mistakes were made and that all will be cleared for us to enter the country.
  4. Final Shopping Sprees - Russia is very cold, so that means lots of thermals and layers of clothes will be needed (and since i haven't bought new clothes since highschool - ill be taking my sister shopping with me!)
  5. Preparing our hearts for the move - I don't know how I'll react to leaving - but I'm sure tears will be involved!

With all these things to be done - I am reminded of Romans 8:28

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

How easy and quickly do we often just assume that this passage is for every which it really isn't. It's only for those who 'love God'. To love God, as stated 1 John 5:3, is when you follow his commandments.

My prayer for my own walk with the Lord - is that I'd be a follower of Christ who would live in the grace of God - but that I'd also be one who walks in His commands.

With Russia on the near horizon and the core years of my life upcoming, I want nothing else more than to live as a lover of God - fleeing sin, walking in truth and drawing near to Him.

How great are the things He will have for me if I give up my life as a living sacrifice!!!