Saturday, February 27, 2010

Speaking the Word

(Make sure you read my most recent blog prior to this one to catch up!)

So after a great evening of card games, pelmeenee (a popular Russian food) and chess - I finally got around to talking to Yegor and Yura about the Word (Jesus)!

Check out these photos of how the conversation went - we used writing and diagrams to help the language barrier - and as you can see - once things got to Jesus - the conversation started to pick up!

Praise God for my friendship with Yegor and Yura - and for how sincere and honest they have been with me!

The Word

Throughout the Gospels and into Acts - one word is at the core of their message: Jesus.

Today, on the other hand, religion and spirituality has been focused on words. Words. Words. And more words.

Often when we look to talk to people about God - we often get lost in the muddleness of talking about religion and 'life'. One subject leads to another subject, and that starts a tangent - and that starts another tangent - and we eventually either argue ourselves out of the conversation - or get lost/lose our original objective, and end up at an "agree to disagree" understanding.

Knowing this, that is why Peter and the Apostles in Acts 2 and 3 get straight to the WORD. Jesus. And without shame.

"Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." Acts 2:36

Bold is it not? Not what most Christians would think would be a good "initiator" to conversation.

But the Jews respond in an interesting way...

"Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, 'Men and brethren, what shall we do?'"

When confronted with the Word (Jesus) - they could not steer the conversation into the fog of war of more words. They had to face the Word - and deal with it - by either accepting Jesus as Messiah and Savior, or by denying Him.

If we are to be objectional in our evangelism - our message MUST be the Word - Jesus - who He was and what He did.

My friends Yegor, Yura and Niko are coming over today - I've talked to them many times in the past about life and spiritual things.

But today - I talk to them solely and simply about Jesus...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Loving God's children

I think too often I'm focused on sharing the Gospel. And not even that (for sharing the Gospel is good) - but maybe more correctly put: I think too often I'm focused on non-believers.

I've been reading recently in the Gospel of John and John's epistles - about love, and following God's commandments. It's interesting to see how the prioritized object of our love is lineated - from God first, then to fellow believers (which become realities only when we follow God's commandments - 1 John 5:2-3).

But long story short - it's easier for me to be devoted to non-believers, to put all of my focus into them - when rather I'm ACTUALLY called to be first and foremost devoted (by and in my love) to believers.

Recently, through my relationship with one family - that truth has become a refreshing reality for me.

Meet the Kolesov family - Mother Tania and her 4 sons (from left to right in picture below: Serg, Simeon, Mark and Artem. Their grandma is sometimes around too!)

I met Artem and Simeon through one of our English clubs - and I quickly became close to their family. They are a strong Christian family (I went to church with them today) and yet filled with a rough and interesting past.

I could go on and on of how encouraging it has been for me to be apart of their lives - but I wanted to first introduce them to you before I told you more about them!

I am so thankful today for the opportunity to love this family - and to challenge all of the boys to grow in their relationships with God.

Even the youngest - Mark (he loves giving me hugs - and I love getting his hugs!) - was busy today on the metro asking an older man if he knew about God or Jesus!

Praise God for the opportunity He has given me to love His children - the Kolesov family!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Ministry Reconnect!

I'm hoping to do alot of videos in the next week or so - such as what my flat looks like and what I do during the day etc. - but here is a video I sent to a church in Indianapolis to share during their World Missions program. I hope you are encouraged by it!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


The past 3 days have been awesome for me! I've been able to spend the majority of each day at a school here in St. Petersburg, meeting new students and starting relationships with some guys here!

You'd be amazed at how far "Ти Играеш Спорт?" (do you play sports?) can get you in ministry! I asked that to some guys I met in the hallway at the school. And the next thing I know they had invited me to play volleyball with them after school - and my immediate response was: "Конешно!" (of course!). If any of you know me, I absolutely LOVE volleyball! I've been able to establish a friendship with those guys over the past 3 days (just got back from a hockey match with them!) - and will be playing volleyball every Monday and Friday with my new friends!!

I don't know how Jesus or the Apostles felt when they were in the midst of doing face-to-face ministry...

but I think I've gotten a glimpse of it the past few days!

I encourage you, also, to spur yourself on to having the hard conversations with your coworkers, or others you may randomly meet on the street corner (even if it means butchering a language to talk to them!). God wants to work through us as living vessels of His mercy and love.