Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Down to the 'Nitty-Gritty'

With only a day left before our Mission Briefing in Colorado - and only 2 weeks before we fly off to Russia, there are still many things to be done and also others that our team is trusting God for!

  1. Support still needs to be raised by some of the team.
  2. Our team leaders (Tim and Sue Ehrhart) just had their house renter back out for the next year - so they're desperately looking for a new renter they can trust for the year while we are in Russia.
  3. Details. We sent in our Visa Papers - and our hoping that no mistakes were made and that all will be cleared for us to enter the country.
  4. Final Shopping Sprees - Russia is very cold, so that means lots of thermals and layers of clothes will be needed (and since i haven't bought new clothes since highschool - ill be taking my sister shopping with me!)
  5. Preparing our hearts for the move - I don't know how I'll react to leaving - but I'm sure tears will be involved!

With all these things to be done - I am reminded of Romans 8:28

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

How easy and quickly do we often just assume that this passage is for every Christian...in which it really isn't. It's only for those who 'love God'. To love God, as stated 1 John 5:3, is when you follow his commandments.

My prayer for my own walk with the Lord - is that I'd be a follower of Christ who would live in the grace of God - but that I'd also be one who walks in His commands.

With Russia on the near horizon and the core years of my life upcoming, I want nothing else more than to live as a lover of God - fleeing sin, walking in truth and drawing near to Him.

How great are the things He will have for me if I give up my life as a living sacrifice!!!

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