Monday, August 24, 2009

Rubber Meets the Road

Cliche statements are either really cool or really lame.

Me and a friend (Seth Irby) actually tried to spend a whole day once saying only cliche statements, and nothing else...

obviously we were "in over our heads"... ... ...

so yeh.

Rubber Meets the Road. No clue where it originated from or when it started gaining some stature in the cliche-world.

But regardless, it usually refers to, in one way or another, when 'talking the talk' meets 'walking the walk' - or when your dreams come face to face with reality. When it's time to 'put up or shut up'. Make or break moments - if you will.

For me (in leaving for Russia in t-minus 1 hour) - I can't help but think that this is my first major 'rubber meets the road' moment in my life of faith.

I mean, sure there were some awesome moments when I made a decision to make Jesus my Lord - when I first shared my faith - when I decided to stop living the party lifestyle etc. etc.

But in all reality - if you were to continue to use that same general analogy here...I think those steps of faith were more just to get the engine going in my heart...revvin' up the motor a bit.

But I'm sure this is different. A year in a place that's totally outside of my comfort zone - where trials and temptations are a certain - and where there's little to no church...craziness of what it could do to a follower of Christ.

I think that's why I'm most excited about this year, though - total life transformation is possible.

It is my hope and prayer that I will be made more like Jesus in every aspect of my life - in character, in obedience, in trust, and in the details.

But a prayer is a prayer - and a hope is just a hope. They mean nothing unless faith-inspired works is the end result.

No telling what the next year will look like for me - but I do know one thing...

The rubber is about to meet the road

1 comment:

  1. ... and I'm hearing that engine revvin' and those rubber tires spinning, just like they do in my driveway every time you leave and yell "Wild at heart, Deb, wild at heart!" Yep, you are by nature, made by God to be "Wild at Heart", yet few will take the step of faith you have taken to a life so totally out of your comfort zone, where daily relying on God is not just a choice, but a necessity. Your engine is revved, the tires are screeching... watch out Russia, here comes Will Rush!!
