Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh. Boy.

I got stopped by a post man today. No not a mail man. A Russian military officer. Without giving many details - it's not a good situation to be in. What made it worse - is that I had none of my information on me.

No registration.

No passport.

No copies of anything.

I usually carried it all in my bookbag - but I was running late and we were all going bowling with some Russians and so I just left without it.

The conversation went something like this:

PMan: "Excuse me. Your information."
Me: (most likely turning pale/deathly white as I search my pockets and realize I don't have my paper work) "umm."
PMan: "Passport, please"
Me: "i. do. not. have. i. am. sorry. i. am. late. to. meeting. [speaking slowly, hoping he knew some english]
PMan: "Are you student?"
Me: (still in shock mode - but looking back I'm extremely thankful he could speak english!) "Yes. Here is my license." [i had my wallet on me]
PMan: "Your name is William Rush?"
Me: "Yes"
PMan: (After a long, seemingly eternal stare down...) "Ok, you may go."
Me: "Pazhaulsta, Spoceba! Pazhaulsta, Spoceba" (Excuse Me. Thank You! Excuse Me. Thank You!)

And just like that. I left.

Everyone i've talked to since - Russian and American - have considered it a miracle I got out of there unscathed.

Miracle or not. I am thankful - thankful indeed.


  1. So, this might be an ignorant-American question, but do they stop people at random to check for illegal immigrants? What's the protocol for that situation?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Our God even moves in the hearts of Russian policeman!

  4. I'm not quite sure Jonathan - the best guess is that it's somewhat random. I could elaborate more - but maybe the next time i see you in person!

  5. Wow Will! That sounds terrifying! You seem to have a nack for policemen ... What could he have done to you, you not having your "documents" on you and all?
