Saturday, September 19, 2009

Meet the Team

Here's a video of an introduction to the team I'm serving with over here in St. Petersburg - I'm going to put it in my upcoming email update, but I figured you blog readers would like a special preview - so enjoy!


  1. Hi, Will. I am Sacha's sister, Libby (she gave me the link to your blog). Thanks so much for posting this! I loved "meeting" everyone and seeing a glimpse of life in Russia! Praying for you all!

  2. Will, we are so thankful for your updates! It's such a joy to have a clearer picture of your reality there in Russia. Tell Danny (and the rest of the team) that he has another lego-maniac praying for him. Love you cuz! - Jonathan & Magen

  3. Oh, that makes me miss everyone! I'm so glad I got to go in the spring. The bloopers of Tim are hilarious, of course. :)
