Saturday, October 3, 2009


A few prayer requests of areas where Myself (and my team) are still trusting God for over the next few weeks:

1. Settling in - All my things are still in my bags! Finding an apartment in Russia can be difficult as it requires you to go through an agent (who charges 1 month of rent) and it has also become frustrating finding a roommate who has a good enough budget to share a decent apartment with me!

2. Schools opening their doors for English Club - We have been initiating with teachers and administration - and we're hoping that over the next few weeks we'll be able to begin English Clubs at 5 schools around the city. It's through English Club that we hope to build the strongest relationships with high school students here.

3. Intentional relationships - really finding students who are spiritually open to talking about God. Our desire is to seek out those who are "FAT" (Faithful. Available. and Teachable) - and, in turn, pour truth into their lives.

4. Creativity in ministry - the sky is the limit for us as we seek what God would have us do with our time and skills here. Whether it be in partnering with other ministries (Orphanages, YoungLife, etc.), starting a Sports club outreach, or sharing English Short Film movies, the opportunities are endless for us.

5. Abiding in the Vine - knowing that without us growing in our own relationship with God and spending due time with Him, everything else we do is in vain. The struggles and fears that go with being in a new culture a world away from home are minute compared to the promises and faithfulness of the Lord that He will "never leave us nor forsake us". I daily need to remind myself of this.

Please be praying for us in these things. It's crazy to have been a month here already - and I know the last thing we want to do is to let the year fly by and we miss out on what the Lord could have for the youth of Russia through our ministry!

I don't know if you've ever INTENTIONALLY committed to pray for a specific ministry, but I would ask you to consider consistlently praying for my ministry with Russian youth.

And as you pray - I look forward to sharing with you what God does with your faith.

"The fervent prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16

Please. Please. Pray.

1 comment:

  1. Will Rush! Want you to know that I will be lifting you and your team up in prayer this week. Specifically for a great roommate, opportunities for English Club to advance their work and build relationships with students who are F.A.T. (love that acronym choice! :) ). Know that there is no safer place for you to be than in God's will. Let Him take you on some adventures over there.

    Your sister in Christ,
    Laura Palmer
