Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Always being ready

I'm pretty sure Jesus was good at these kinds of things. Actually, I'm positive He was.

He had a lesson for everything. Even more so, He had a knack for speaking truth on a moment's notice. Whether in the faith of a mustard seed (Matthew 17), the example of a withered fig tree (Mark 11), a wine-less wedding in need of a miracle (John 2), or a shortened nap marred by faithless disciples in sto
rmy weather (Mark 4), Jesus was extraordinary at making the plain, edifying and the temporary, eternal.

I had a moment like this recently. A friend here in St. Petersburg asked me, "Will, what do you think of other religions?" Before I knew it, I had grabbed a pen, a folder - and I began to write.

For me, as a follower of Jesus, I yearn to be wise in my words. To walk in confession. In truth. For my heart to overflow with rivers of living water (John 7:38). I want to speak the words that Jesus spoke.

But more importantly, I want to always be ready.

"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you..." (1 Peter 3:15)

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Will!
    In finishing our study of Ephesians (ch.6) it commands us to be alert and always in prayer for all the saints. As I was running by a fire station I thought of how someone is always alert and ready at a moments notice for a fire call and how that should be the call of the faith in our lives! Also just so you know, you are constantly in our prayers!
    So keep staying grounded in the truth and being alert, always ready with an answer for the faith you live!

    PS if you think about it this weekend, throw a prayer up for me and a group of Jr. and Sr. girls I will be talking to about faith!

    You're amazing Will! Stay strong in HIS power! (the same power that raised Christ from the dead! Crazy Awesome!)

    Love, your sis in Christ,
