Friday, February 12, 2010

Ministry Reconnect!

I'm hoping to do alot of videos in the next week or so - such as what my flat looks like and what I do during the day etc. - but here is a video I sent to a church in Indianapolis to share during their World Missions program. I hope you are encouraged by it!


  1. Hey Will!
    Awesome update! The part about God opening the door for you to share with a whole classroom of students is incredible!
    I firmly believe that what you spoke about abiding in Christ no matter where we are or what the circumstances is key!
    Although, I was wondering if I could mail you another sweatshirt ... :)
    Keep abiding and conquering!

    (I decided that if we transposed Paul armor of God in Ephesians to modern armor and warfare ... you would be a sniper, taking out unsuspecting victims through gospel missles for the glory of God! Pow, pow ... pow,pow!)

  2. Hi Will, Just wanted to say we just got your letter and it's exciting to see how God is working all over the globe! Glad to see the people in Russia like hamburgers too:) Just in case your mom and dad haven't told you, we probably have more snow here than you do in Russia! I've never seen so much snow in my life. Maybe it'll be melted be the time you come back to the states.(in 6 months or so) You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Terrie and Jules
