Saturday, January 16, 2010

Peter Rush? hmm...

I wish my parents had named me Peter.

Maybe, just maybe, (if they had) I would've already connected myself with him in the Bible more by now...

Nevertheless I got the name William Richard Rush. Simply known as Will.

(It wasn't fun growing up though as I had a speech problem with my R's and W's. As a result my name became Willyum Wichard Wush for a few years...but i'll save childhood memories for another day.)

But anywho...

Today, I'm reminded of my likeness to Peter, again...

Peter, in the New Testament, is a perfect picture of what emotions and passion can do to you. They have their positives, sure - duly noted - as his spontaneous following of Jesus surely must have been affected by Peter's acting-before-thinking mentality. Nevertheless, the negatives cannot be overlooked either (*cough*denying Jesus 3 times after Peter said he'd follow Christ even to death*cough*).

Other emotion-filled and passionate Peter examples are throughout Scripture (the goods and the bad!):

John 21:7 - Jumping out of a boat fully clothed to swim to his Lord

John 13:9 - Jesus washes disciples feet - Peter wants his whole body soaked

Luke 9:33 - Jesus is in full glory and Peter asks to build a house...Jesus doesn't even answer.

Luke 5:8 - Peter asks Jesus to leave him because Peter was a sinful man (not yet reminded that Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us)... Jesus again doesn't answer.

Matthew 16:16-19 - Peter boldly proclaims Christ as Son of God, Messiah - Jesus proclaims Peter as the one whom He will build his church

Matthew 16:22-23 - Jesus calls Peter "Satan" for allowing his man-centered thinking to get in the way of Christ-centered thinking.


So I think you get the picture - Peter was driven by emotions. His passion fueled his righteous-peak highlight moments - and burned his "what were you thinking?!?" doldrums.

And then, one day, Jesus would ask Peter to sit with him for breakfast...and obliterate the emotional fat around Peter's heart.
(John 21:12-22)

"Peter, do you love me?" Jesus asked.

(Ok here goes Peter's emotional response - ready?!)

"Yes Lord, You know that I love you!"

(Eh - Jesus had heard that plenty of times before - he digs deeper...)

"Peter, do you love me?" Jesus again asks.

"Yes Lord; You know that I love you."

(Now he's just in repeat mode - giving Jesus what Jesus wants - surely still some emotions tied to it...)

(BUT THEN Jesus throws the curve ball...he asks Peter a 3rd time!)






Wow. 3 times. The same question. You think Peter had any emotional drive left?! The emotion-filled fat and blubber around Peter's heart had been shrivelled to nothing, discarded as a result of the discerning questioning of a righteous King - and finally, Peter was only left with one thing:

His will.

His volition.

What was underneath the emotional charades, and inside the depths of Peter's heart?

And I think, for the first time, Peter started to get it...If you are to read 1 and 2 Peter - you can see the transformation that has happened in Peter's heart - from a zealous disciple in his youth - to a patient, wise shepherd of the church in his old age.

He finally begins to understand what Jesus wants from those who follow him. Not our words, NOT EVEN our actions...

Jesus wants your will. To recognize by faith Him as Savior and Messiah - and to offer yourself to Him so that He may be glorified (Romans 6:13; 12:1).

And (as Jesus prayed to God at the Garden of Gethsemane) that not our will be done, but God's.

Of course this is why Jesus asks us to FOLLOW HIM! For HIM to lead us. For HIS WORD to guide us. For HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS to be placed upon us. For HIS LIGHT to shine upon us. For HIS WILL to be done, not ours. Less of us - more of Him.


How I yearn for this transformation to happen in my life and in my ministry...

Too often I want to change hearts in my time. By my way. In my will.

I praise God for Peter's transformation - that my life can be guided by the same Holy Spirit that spurred on Peter. And How I praise God for Christ's example...

That in spite of my emotions, I can choose to make God's plan, my own. His desires, mine. His will, my will.

His Will. My Will.


Maybe my parents didn't choose such a bad name for me after all!

1 comment:

  1. wow, Will ... thanks for sharing your personal connection with peter! I can definitely relate at times too! Although my favorite quote of Peter, when I think he is truly starting to catch on, is "Lord, where else could we go (to whom else can we turn to) you have the words of LIFE!"
    I think your name suits you well, Will. God did right in naming you! :)
