Sunday, January 24, 2010

Yo Queiro Taco Bell?

I've experienced languages before - but the past 2 days have been a crash course of various cultures and tongues for me. What began in Russia and my most recent language fixture/preference of Russian - was quickly put on halt as my flight arrived into Prague, Czech Republic, for our conference trip to Malaga, Spain.

After gawking at some Czech speakers - I then flew to Madrid, Spain, only to quickly be reminded of the harsh realities of a failed try at Spanish during my highschool years.

Over the past 24 hours I have also heard sparingly some French, Italian, what seemed like an African dialect, and a few quotes of PigLatin for good measure.

It has left me stumped, annoyed, and feeling slightly awkward for being an ignorant and uneducated American!

Nevertheless, it is quite interesting, though... so many languages and so many different cultures.

The Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 is what first comes to my mind...God, in realizing that man was slowly beginning to worship themselves (in building the tower to the heavens for earthly esteem), scattered mankind - each to their own lands throughout the world - and changed their native tongues.

God used man's attempt at self-glorification to humble and put up a lasting obstacle in front of the efforts of men - the dreaded language barrier.

What once brought all together - now would only separate, confuse, and lead to disunity.


But - and God is so good at the "buts" (and the therefores, etc.)....this week-long conference, and my experiencse in Russia, has already reminded me of the ONE language we as Christians speak.

The common word we speak: Jesus.

Whether it be in worship, in fellowship, or in accountability - no matter what tongue, color of skin, or culture we derive from - Christ is the commonality. Christ is the standard of communication.

What a wonderful Word God has given us, in His Son, to allow unity and a bond of association to the body of Christ.

How awesome it is to know that God has used man's past try at building a self-glorifying Tower, and it's resulting consequence of ending the world's One common language - to in turn restore the rightful glory to Himself - and ALSO restore one common language to His children.

Hmm I'm ready for heaven - no more gawking - no more charades or gestures. I'll understand everyone. Because it'll all be about Jesus. And we'll worship His name for eternity.

Yeh, I can't wait!

"That every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" Phillipians 2:11

слава богом!


1 comment:

  1. True that, Will!
    Some of the most joyful times for my spirit have been in different countries during times of worship I can't understand audibly, but can sing in perfect harmony with in my heart.
    And that, I remind myself, is just a fractional glimpse of the glory of dwelling with Christ and His body for eternity!
